Halff provided design and construction plans to the FDOT Central Office for a fiber optic network spanning more than 2,000 miles, connecting the RTMCs across Florida to the FDOT Traffic Engineering Research Lab (TERL) and FDOT Central Office. The Florida ITS Operations Network (FION), previously called SICN, utilizes a combination of fiber and microwave systems to provide statewide interconnectivity. The upgrade to an all-fiber optic network will better provide and facilitate data and video transmittance between sites.
Halff assisted in coordinating with each FDOT District and various local municipalities across the state to obtain dedicated fiber reservations and identify delineation points for splicing or patching the chord configurations necessary to deliver the network across district lines. A significant amount of detailed documentation was required to certify project success due to the substantial size of the network and a large number of stakeholders and fiber owners. New fiber optic cable laterals were designed to complete links between district-owned fiber backbones and fiber drops into FDOT Central Office hub buildings to regenerate fiber optic signal between network nodes.